The IIMB hostel corridor. The other end of this corridor leads to the cafteria. The hostel block is actually on the right as you walk down the aisle.

This is the PGSM block. Towards the far end is the way to the library and the central pergola.

And this is looking towards the PGSM block.

The IIMB library. A huge building that houses tens of thousands of books. Embarassed to admit I didn't make much use of its facilities.

A much better road when compared to Bangalore roads you would admit. This road leads to the PGSM block and the parking lot (if I may call it that).

An inside look at the library. A very spartan look. The book stacks are in the basement. Will post a shot of that sometime.

Ok, so a couple of photos back I had a shot of the examination hall. This photo is post-exam. You have to realize that in the second quarter, we were still fairly new to the course, and it had been several years since we had seen the inside of a school. Discussing tests after an exam was a habit that took a few more quarters to die a natural death. Though it continued to linger with a few batchmates in a very unhealthy manner :-)

Ok, so a couple of photos back I had a shot of the examination hall. This photo is post-exam. You have to realize that in the second quarter, we were still fairly new to the course, and it had been several years since we had seen the inside of a school. Discussing tests after an exam was a habit that took a few more quarters to die a natural death. Though it continued to linger with a few batchmates in a very unhealthy manner :-)

Nice photo. What else can I say. And I got this blue sky without having to use any circular polarizer filter either!

Again, I liked this photo. The building on the right, partly hidden in the shadows, is the examination hall, while the building to the front is the PGSM block. Ok ok, I have to start saying PGSEM, but what the heck! Old habits die hard.

Some of the text accompanying the photos is out of synch - I screwed up in 'Hello', and I felt too lazy to go back to correct the error.
Nice shots of our campus. Must admit the azure skies look great against the grey background. Wish we could get some snaps in-class, capturing the moments.
-Srinivas BV (batch of 2004)
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