Second set of photos - this photo was taken on Feb 7 2004, almost two years back. We, i.e. the class of 2003, were in Q3. And I think this was the end term(?) for marketing. Marketing, as taught to us by Prof Thiru. The fact that this is the marketing test (and I am making a leap of faith by building on the assumption that this is indeed the marketing test) also means why so many people are looking so relaxed!

Srinivas captured here, sitting under a tree. Maybe to gain enlightenment. Maybe not.

Another day, another end term exam. This photo dates back to Feb 8, at approx 11AM. People can correct me, but I suspect this was the day of the QMM end term. QMM as in Quantitative Methods in Management. Aka Statistics.

And another end term photo from the AY2003 Q3 end term. This looks like the QMM end term, though I can't be sure. Jagan's hand over his head, Ramaswamy's smile, Ramya's bemused look, all send conflicting signals. And I am not in the picture here, since I was taking the picture. That would be a sure signal whether this was a quant oriented paper or not, going by how lost I looked :-) Till the next photo post.
Photos (c) 2005, Abhinav Agarwal, unless otherwise specified.